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Game details

GeoCaching GeoCaching (?): (#75) "EN Тайники 2016 / EN Caches 2016" Discussion
Game authors: Nem_Miles, evolalisa
The game complexity factor: 0
Author's factor of game complexity: 1
The game quality index: -
Game: GeoCaching
Game format: Team
The levels passing sequence: Storm
Start of the game: 7/4/2016 12:00:00 AM (UTC +2)
The beginning of the game in your time zone: (UTC )
The game completion time: 7/4/2016 9:15:59 AM (UTC +2)
In the game participated: 0 teams (statistics)
Game status: The game was declared invalid
Responses in the guest book: 1 message
The list of administrators who actually had access to the scenario: Nem_Miles (in detail)
Requested participations 0 teams.
Approved participations 4 teams: Nine Lives, Rasche Wieners, AT_01_БЕРЕГИНЯ, Black Saturday

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From game author



В Вене и Нижней Австрии есть много интерестныйх мест. Почему бы их не посетить?

Все уровни открыты сразу. Их будет не мало, но ведь и во времени мы вас не особо ограничиваем.

У вас есть всё лето на поиски. Ваша задача разгадать где находится тайник, приехать на место и найти код.

Все просто. Команда, которая соберет максимальное колличество кодов, побеждает.





Vienna and Lower Austria are home to many interesting places. Why not pay them a visit some time?

All levels are unlocked simultaneously. There will be a lot of them, but don´t worry, you are not short on time either.

You have the whole summer to find them. Your mission is to decode the location of the hidden caches, drive there and find the code.

Simple. The team that finds the most codes wins.

For newbies:
"Quest guide" game
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Urban Quest Vienna:
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5/2/2024 12:48:33 PM
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